Saturday, November 14, 2009

A very blustery walk to English Bay November 13, 2009

Friday turned out to be one of those days where the weather forecast was quite what was forecast - it was supposed to rain for the better part of the day and then clear off in the later afternoon - well as has occurred frequently during our current monsoon season the storm abated earlier than expected and I awoke to cloudy but clearing skies.
With the clearing came very strong south westerly winds gusting up to 50 kmh. But being the trooper that I am I decided to go for a walk along the seawall to English Bay.
It was very blustery and almost no one was out for a walk or a bike ride - can't say that I blame them - it wasn't long before I felt like I was up in the Arctic - I was getting chilled to the bone.
Well I made it as far as the entrance to Stanley Park where I turned around and headed for some warmth and lunch.
Hope you enjoy this little photo essay of that blustery day walk.



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