Saturday, October 31, 2009

Y building update Oct 31, 2009

Well it won't be long now before the YMCA reopens its doors at 955 Burrard in downtown Vancouver - the heavy construction work is finished and it really all about getting the inside work done - there are a couple of windows still to go on the lane gym side but I think these are missing more because they are using that space for supplies etc.

The tower behind it is now up to 37 floors - only 5 more floors to pour.

These images were taken today with my Blackberry as I was on my way to the Gym for a shower and steam after having done some hiking over on the North Shore. That photo essay will be posted later as I just got a call from a friend to go and join him for a coffee at Denny's.

They show a large banner announcing that the building will be opening in Spring 2010 - actually sometime in May - the Y takes possession of the building from the contractor in March 2010 and will then spend the following 2 months getting the building ready to open.



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall colors ride to Vancouver's Trout Lake Oct 27, 2009

The sun is out and so it is outdoors for me today - I had already planned in my mind that if the weather was good I would get out on the bike and head for Trout Lake - located on the east side of the City.

So I crossed over the Burrard Street Bridge - turned left up on to the Cypress bike route and then left again at 10th Ave which I followed east bound I reached the Mosaic route and a quick right onto it and then a left to its end at Trout Lake.

There was this grove of trees near the northern end of the Park that stood out for their beauty - there were a number of others photographing them as well.

Leaving Trout Lake I head out on the BC Parkway to its junction with the Central Valley Greenway which I follow back into downtown Vancouver and its terminus near Science World.

There is more beauty as I bike this route and stop for lunch at the Burger King on Main Street.

From my lunch spot I pick up the Seaside route and follow it westbound until I reach Hornby where I turn right and climb a couple of blocks back to my condo.

I did about 20.1 KM and the nice thing about the ride was that except for couple of blocks at the start and finish it was all done on dedicated bike routes in the City.

Hope you have enjoy this photo essay.


Well the Maple Leafs finally won a game so they have gone back to planning the parade down Younge St in July.

Meanwhile the Canucks who are improving each game out are up against the Detroit Red Wings who despite a somewhat slow start are still a dangerous team.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pacific Spirit Park Fall Colors Nature Walk Oct 25, 2009

Took advantage of the dry weather this morning to get out in the truck and did a short drive along the western beaches pass UBC and into Pacific Spirit Park where I stopped and walked a km or two along a treed and leave strewn trail along the bluffs above Wreck Beach.

By the time I hit the Oakridge Mall for lunch the rain had started so I did manage to make the best of the weather.

Later tonight another Canucks game to watch - this time against Edmonton coached by former Canucks coach and part owner of the Junior Vancouver Giants Pat Quinn. It should be a better match up that last night opponent the Maple Leafs.



Red skies at morn sailor's give warning Oct 25, 2009

This morning as I awoke from a good night's sleep I noticed a brilliant red eastern sky from my condo so I grabbed the camera a took a few images of the sun rising - The title reflects an old sailor's tale about what will happen if you get an red sky in the morn - it means that storm is brewing so take heed vs a red sky at night which is a sailor's delight and usually means good sailing weather.

It is expected to start raining hard in the next hour or two so the rhyme should come true in this case.

Survived the hockey and football games from last night - the Lions shouldn't have lost -
Printers should either have eaten the ball or thrown it our of bounds - it was only a first down play and you are within field goal range in overtime. Could be a costly miscue IE - no home playoff game.

As for the Canucks - it was about time that Luongo stopped the other team when your team is being outplayed - a good victory over the Leafs who may win a game or two this season. Brian Burke must be having a few more sleepless nights but who cares about Toronto and their sport teams.

