Saturday, October 31, 2009

Y building update Oct 31, 2009

Well it won't be long now before the YMCA reopens its doors at 955 Burrard in downtown Vancouver - the heavy construction work is finished and it really all about getting the inside work done - there are a couple of windows still to go on the lane gym side but I think these are missing more because they are using that space for supplies etc.

The tower behind it is now up to 37 floors - only 5 more floors to pour.

These images were taken today with my Blackberry as I was on my way to the Gym for a shower and steam after having done some hiking over on the North Shore. That photo essay will be posted later as I just got a call from a friend to go and join him for a coffee at Denny's.

They show a large banner announcing that the building will be opening in Spring 2010 - actually sometime in May - the Y takes possession of the building from the contractor in March 2010 and will then spend the following 2 months getting the building ready to open.



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