The actual date of the New Year is always on the day that the vernal or spring equinox occurs - in this case Friday March 20, 2009 - it is a celebration of a start of a new life and is a very colorful event - a number of events are held in conjunction with the actual day - on the Wednesday before the equinox bonfires are lit, then families meet and clean their houses and on the actual day - gift are exchanged.
There are 7 symbols to the New Year celebration called Hayt Seen
They are - at least I think this is correct from my notes and photos of the event:
1. Age and Patience
2. Rebirth
3. Medicine
4. Love
5. Color of sunrise
6. Persian cooking
7. Health and beauty
If you click on the images you will see more detail of this part of the celebration.
It was a pot luck supper and about 100 people showed up over the course of the evening.
We were entertained by some of the many children in attendance both formally and informally.
It was a great learning experience.
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