Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rain, rain go away and stay away November 21, 2009

The rain continues to fall here in the City and snow in the local mountains - so much in fact that all three local mountains have started a good month ahead of schedule and the short term forecast is for more of the same.

As one who suffers from SAD syndrome this weather isn't helping me one bit but I am trying to stay busy with other projects - one of which is Christmas shopping.

Walking through the Pacific Center Mall today I saw this display and got out the Blackberry out a took a couple of images.

BIG FOOTBALL GAME TOMORROW - Lions vs the Aloulettes in Montreal. A win and its off to the Grey Cup next weekend in Calgary - perhaps some of the Canucks winning ways will rub off on the team.

I also have a reunion with some of my Marathon bike people on Tuesday night - seems the Volunteer Coordinator has arrange a meeting or something at a Cafe on Granville Island - if it stops raining I will bike over - otherwise a quick ferry ride across False Creek will be on the agenda.

There is a possibility of a break in the weather tomorrow - so either a bike ride or a hike is on the do to list.

That's all for now.



Friday, November 20, 2009

Skagway vintage cars Sept 2, 2009

On my recent cruise to Alaska we had a 12 hour stop over in Skagway Alaska which gave me plenty of time to see the town.

I have been to Skagway a number of times before so it wasn't a new port for me.

We also had beautiful sunny skies so after taking two short hikes I decided to walk the town and take in the historical sights.

During my walk I came across a number of vintage cars in mint condition - doubt that they stay there during the winter months.

So have taking this first image of the Mountains, White Pass and a mercantile trading store I walked the town.

This is the story of that walk from a vintage transportation perspective.

Tonight the Canucks are back in action and the big one wants to watch it on the big screen at the Two Parrots restaurant.

We will see about that.



Thursday, November 19, 2009

Early signs of Christmas November 19, 2009

With Christmas a little over five weeks away the City is starting to show signs of the festive season. Despite the rain today I did go for a walk to have lunch and a gym visit and on the way home along Burrard noticed this window display in one of the shops at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver - nice use of color - once again taken on the Blackberry - also had to try and mitigate a reflection in the window of passing cars on the Street.

Another place that is nicely lit up is the Plaza at the Sheraton Wall Center but in the day time the display wasn't very bright - will attempt it at a later date with the point and shoot.

Speaking of cameras one of the things on the Santa Wish list is a proper DSLR Camera - I was pleased to fine out that my old lens from an old Pentax base might work on the newer DSLR models - am going to wait until as close to Xmas or possibility Boxing Day and see what is available.



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daily report November 18, 2009

Well I did get a short walk in today down through Yaletown before the weather turned wet but no pictures were taken.

In trying to find items or things to discuss on a blog on a daily basis is a challenge when you don't have a lot happening but I thought I would share with you a couple of images from my Alaskan cruise as we were sailing through Glacier Bay - the first photo is a very close up view of the Margorie Glacier at the upper end of the Bay.

The second image is of a zoom view from my camcorder of a mountain peak that looks a lot like Assiniboine in BC.

Look for some more images from this cruise in the following days.

I am not a big fan of rants on this blog BUT will the City ever finish the Granville Street redevelopment - just when you thought things were complete the sidewalks at the corners are being torn up - it is also taking forever to install the street lights - realize that that is the responsibility of Translink as they have to restring the wires for the trolleys that normally run on Granville.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A lull between the storms Nov 17, 2009

The last two days here in Vancouver have been very wet, windy and warm but there was a lull in the storms today so I went for a longer walk along the Seawall to near the Sylvia hotel and then turned and headed for Lost Lagoon and the entrance to the Park - then up Robson for a bite to eat - then the gym and finally home.

My doctor wants me to step up the intensity of my exercise and lose some weight in an attempt to try and negate the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. It also means a change in eating habits some of which I have already started. I was also down 3 lbs on the scales today - too early to tell if that is a true indicated that the increased exercise and healthier eating are factors in the weight loss.

A tree by the Aquatic Center

Vancouver's AIDS memorial near Sunset beach.

Bandstand at English Bay.

Willow trees at Lost Lagoon.

Another view of Lost Lagoon.

One final one.

Street art at Robson and Bute.

Tree at Robson Square with art gallery in the background.

The rain is starting up again so it time to sit back and get the TV remote out and see what is on tonight.

