Saturday, November 14, 2009
A very blustery walk to English Bay November 13, 2009
Exploring some new Vancouver bike routes November 12, 2009
Vancouver has been adding to its list of bike routes - most are connectors to the main east- west or north - south ones but I decided to check them out - they provided a nice loop and by the time I was finished I had about 23 KM on the odometer.
I started by heading over the Burrard Bridge on the dedicated bike lane and then followed the Seaside route along Cornwall and Point Grey Road until I got to Balaclava.
I turned left here and followed this route until it came to 16th Avenue - here the route winds it way up towards Dunbar but that is not the way that I want to go today - so I turn left again and head for the new Valley ride at short distance away.
As the Valley route approaches the Arbutus shopping area it splits in two - one follows 29th Ave and the other continues along Valley and finally joins the Cypress route around 33rd.
I follow the 29th route - as with the other east - west routes across the City it involves about a five block uphill climb to get into Shaughnessy - it crosses the Cypress, Heather, Yukon and finally ends at the Ontario route by Queen Elizabeth Park
Along the way there are lingering signs of autumn colors some of which are reflected in this photo essay.
At Ontario I turn left again and start the northbound trip home but I may one detour along the way and that is at Broadway and Main where a major fire has wiped out 5 businesses and created traffic chaos.
This is my old neighbourhood where I lived for more than 30 years before moving downtown - While I didn't frequent the businesses it is still a shock to see the damage done - the site is being cleared so I guess that mean that a three to four storey condo complex will rise from the ashes.
Next it was into Burger King for lunch and then a quick look at the latest at the Olympic village - it is coming along fine.
Finally my last stop is at David Lam Park in Yaletown which is under re-construction as one of the two free entertainment sites during the Games with entertainment and fun events for every one.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Remembrance Day Nov 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A morning of lab tests and signs that Santa is coming Monday November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Japanese dinner and birthday party Nov 6, 2009