Sunday morning found me heading down to Brockton Oval in Stanley Park on the bike to help with a newish fun run call Brewsdaddle - it is the brain child of one of the head honchos of the Subaru Triathlon that I volunteered for earlier in the year. This marks the second year the event has been held and is Oktoberfest themed.
The race is a one km kids walk along the track at the Oval and/or a 5km run around the area of the Oval - there were 150 pre registrants and a number of others at the last minute as the weather is cooperating - that is - no rain although cloudy and threatening. You are encourage to dress in costumes - you will notice some of them when you click on the images.
I will be one of the two bike cyclists leading the pack around the course - my biking buddy Gerald Joe will be the other one.
But first we need to set up the course - put up the KM markers and Caution race in progress signs - as this is a fun event there is no closure of the Seawall so we will have to ask people to stand clear as the runners pass.
So after setting up the course we are then asked to ride it one more time to ensure that the Volunteer Course Marshals are placed effectively and to give them instructions on our final sweep.
Before I know it is 11AM and time for the race to get underway at the starting point near HMCS Discovery on the Seawall.
It takes the lead runners less than 20 minutes to run the course and all participants were finished in under an hour - in fact as Gerald and I swept the course we only met up with the final two finishers about a km from the finish line.
After the race we adjourned to the Pavilion for some German food - pretzels, potato salad, sausages and sauerkraut and there was beer for sale and a few samples from the good folks at Granville Island brewing in the upstairs bar - I passed on this as I have another engagement in the afternoon that I need to drive too.
By the time I got home just after noon I had close to 40KM of riding done - not bad for a morning.
For some reason I can't get the images to work on IE any more so I am using the Chrome browser from Google to get the job done.