One of the nice things about Vancouver is some of the innovative ideas that come along for making our City all that more livable - nothing is worse that seeing an eye sore empty lot at a busy intersection in your Community. Such is the case at Burrard and Davie where a recent station station complex was suppose to be developed into a condo project but with the real estate boom collapsing here in Lotusland the land was sitting there and not looking pretty - the previous City Council came up with a program whereby development companies with projects on hold for at least two years could in exchange for a reduction in there tax assessment turn the land over to the local community to use for open space, gardens etc. Each one is used differently - the one at Davie and Burrard has been turned into a beautiful community Garden and now that the warm weather is here the fruits of there labors are starting to show.
The other open space near me at Howe and Drake has been made into a mini-park and is well used - now if the dog owners would only do what the law requires it would be even more pleasurable to walk through the area.

Heading up to Kelowna for the weekend - chance for some even warmer weather and rest.
Sore hands update
After a chat with my physio - went to the local walk in clinic as a follow up to my recent injuries from the bike accident - the Doctor suggested that I get the hands x- rayed which I have done - don't have the results - we done think anything is broken but mild pain is persisting - both the Physio and Doc say no bike riding - so it lots of walking.
Strata AGM
We had our Strata AGM - it went on for over three hours - a number of housekeeping by-laws amendment took forever to get through and as each one requires a 3/4 vote in favor - a proper vote count was necssary - not all of them passed.
Managed to avoid getting ask to serve on the Strata Council - the present one does a good job and we have a smart, effective and effecient strata agent so things seem to get done.
The usual bitch session from the same people on the same issue also prolonged the meeting.