I recently saw this posted about a person's pending retirement:
" When you are retired you never have a day off"
It seems that lately that is exactly the case with me - between working for Elections Canada on the federal election, trying to get everything in place before I leave for the trip to NYC and the Caribbean cruise, trying to arrange my brother's 60
th birthday party, enjoying the outdoors with short hikes and bike rides, playing and learning how to operate my newest toy,
volunteering with one of the candidates in our local by-election as a scrutineer at the advance polls, trying to keep my fantasy hockey pool players in focus, trying to decide on some holiday plans for next year in light of the current financial challenges facing my pension plans - I am keeping busy.
In one week I board the Amtrak bus for the trip down I - 5 to connect with the Empire Builder to Chicago then on to NYC.
In NYC I hope to get a hold of Denise - one of my former Y workers who is currently attending acting school and working in the Big Apple.
The weather is nice again today so it will be out on the bike again shortly for a ride to somewhere fairly close by.
More later