Gosh where does the time of day go - I have been home for a week and it seems like I have done nothing in the way of post cruise photo editing etc.
One city that I wish that the train would arrive earlier in the evening was San Antonio - while we had a 3 hour lay over it wasn't until 10PM - the history of the area around the station was pretty impressive. Having trouble uploading some photos today of the San Antonio station area at night as my internet connection seems to be slow the last day or two.
Now back to the real world of Vancouver - we had a little snow overnight - not much here in the downtown core but plenty as you got higher or away from the core - well it is still winter for another three weeks or so. Also the local mountains have received there best dump in a couple of months.
Have gotten out on the bike a couple times in the last week and also drove up to Squamish to see how the highway improvement project is coming along - while not all of the expansion is open the bulk of the heavy or dirty work - rock scaling, blasting etc is finished. Many sections of new roadway are paved but not opened yet. It certainly is a vast improvement over the old highway and should contribute to a much safer drive especially considering that they have put concrete dividers down the middle of the road so no more passing on blind corners and a double solid yellow line.
Finally got a crew together for the work party this weekend - 11 in the group - would have been 13 but for a cancellation due to a death in their family. That chore is now complete until April when the next crew will be necessary but the difference is that group is also full as it is one of the most popular times to go to YPL.
The Canucks look like they may have their act together - 8 wins in there last 10 games and now home for a few games.