Well the fog finally lifted on Friday so I took the opportunity to get out on the bike and get in some quality training miles - headed over the
Burrard Bridge and then west along the water until I got to Balaclava where a new city bike route heads towards 16
th - at 16
th I find another new route along Valley Drive which I follow up and into
Shaughnessey and then onto the Cypress bike route to 10
th Ave and then east to Ontario and north down to Science World and finally back along the Seawall and home - it is cold riding but at least I am getting exercise - the distance travelled was a little over 20KM - my longest ride of the year but I wasn't finished with the biking.
Yesterday I finished what I started the other day - did the Stanley Park Seawall - the closed section reopened on Friday so I wanted to get this ride in - there are few wet spots that could be icy in the cold weather and frost could be seen on the grass etc. Once again cold but it is always nice to get out into the fresh air.
I have now done more biking this month than all of Jan last year and there is still a week to go - I may head out again today as the weather is clear and cold - temp right around freezing.
Also spend time trying to find enough workers for the work party next weekend - not having a lot of success - still are 4-6 short - did some phoning of new members - got a couple for the next work party which is great with me being away the more that I have sign up in advance the less I will need to do when I get back.
Well the cruise is only two weeks away and only a little over a week before I leave on the train for New Orleans I guess that I should start packing - I have the suitcase ready - I have my packing list pared down for a seven day trip rather than a 14 day trip in the past so I just need to go to the clothes closet and get the stuff and put it in the suitcase - the only thing I am dreading is the fact that I have to be at the Amtrak station in time to catch the 5:30AM trip to Seattle - that will be one ride that Jim won't be giving me - oh well - getting up early was my thing for all those working years at the Y.
Another thing on my plate is whether to do a Skyline Hikers trip this year - the area they have selected is a new one to me - it's White Man Pass up on the BC - Alberta divide - accessed from Radium and the Cross River valley - was supposed to do this trip in 2003 but we were forest fired cancelled at the last minute that year and this is the first time since then that we are returning to the area. If I go with my regular week 4 Camp - first week of August it conflicts with the World Police and Fire games here in Vancouver which I was thinking of volunteering for - decisions - decisions - decisions - what's life without some stress.
Also on tap later this week is a session with my financial planner - this one is actually with the head of the
company who is a long time friend from the early morning crew at the Y and then on Saturday night a lunar new year pot luck supper with other friends from the Y Connections program. Might even find some time for a pizza feast at Boston Pizza - they have a special right now of 10 items for $10.00 each promotion.
More later