Since my last post the Games have finished and a wonderful fun filled city is starting to return to normal.
It was a once in a lifetime experience and the great performance by athletes, volunteers, citizens and security people.
I would be remiss if I didn't make specific reference to the great job done by the police in controlling those large crowds with little to no damage to businesses etc.
While some people didn't like the idea of closing the liquor stores early it seemed to work like a charm - even with that there were over 20,000 liquor seizures during the course of the Games but only something like 250 arrests mostly for intoxication - yes some people did get ticketed for liquor possession - could be underagers that were targeted.
Transit also must get very high marks - we didn't have traffic gridlock - actually we had pedestrian gridlock - it is so bad on Sunday after the hockey game near Robson and Granville that I was getting pushed in all four directions by the swarming crowd - I finally turned around an very slowly was able to get about a block away where you could at least breathe.
The idea of letting Games day ticket holders also helped with the flow of traffic.
As I was walking through Robson Square our TSN panel of Darren Maillaird, Derek Pang, Nick Cyprios (sp) and Bob Mackenzie were setting up on the ice for a pre-game show and I was able to capture this moment with the Blackberry.

The lineup to get into the BC Pavilion at the Art Gallery was only about 15 minutes so I waited in line to get inside to see the display - it is actually my first time inside the Art Gallery - what a magnificent building - it was an old courthouse and has been the home of the Art Gallery for many years - in addition to the Pavilion you were able to view the exhibits on display but were asked not to take any photographs.
I happen to pop by the Y for a social visit and was asked if I wanted a free ticket to a playoff curling game between Great Britain and Sweden - while not a huge curling fan I have followed it somewhat over the years and was one of the sports that I did spend time in front of the TV.
As I only had 90 minutes notice of the Game I was only able to get Tom to join me - in talking to Grant who has curled if he had more time we would have come in from Cloverdale and joined Tom and I - what a great curling game - a playoff game that went an extra end with Sweden defeating the defending champs from Britain.

Every night during the Olympics we have been treated to a fireworks show at a couple of locations - I could see the Live Event
Yaletown show from my condo and here is a image of the fireworks bursting out over the tops of the some of the condo towers in
Yaletown - I also walked down to the site one day and catch them in person.

On Monday Feb 22, 2010 I finally got my uniform and coveted Blue Jacket and accreditation - that makes me official and allows me to use transit free until the end of the
What a great time to have witnessed here in Vancouver.