Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daily report November 18, 2009

Well I did get a short walk in today down through Yaletown before the weather turned wet but no pictures were taken.

In trying to find items or things to discuss on a blog on a daily basis is a challenge when you don't have a lot happening but I thought I would share with you a couple of images from my Alaskan cruise as we were sailing through Glacier Bay - the first photo is a very close up view of the Margorie Glacier at the upper end of the Bay.

The second image is of a zoom view from my camcorder of a mountain peak that looks a lot like Assiniboine in BC.

Look for some more images from this cruise in the following days.

I am not a big fan of rants on this blog BUT will the City ever finish the Granville Street redevelopment - just when you thought things were complete the sidewalks at the corners are being torn up - it is also taking forever to install the street lights - realize that that is the responsibility of Translink as they have to restring the wires for the trolleys that normally run on Granville.



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