After attending an earlier event which will be posted after I get back from a bike ride later today I headed back down to the Granville Entertainment district to take in more of the action of the Juno 09 street Party - the street was rocking and there were lots and lots of people out enjoying the action - even the weather cooperated - while coolish it stayed dry - I headed for the free Westjet tent - which was pretty well full to catch the last act of the evening - a group called RUN GMC was playing a blend of country rock that had even staid old me moving to the upbeat of the music - the above is a photo once again from the camera phone of the band playing.
This has been a well received party and addition to the Vancouver festival season - there is some talk of having similiar events on Granville in the future - lets hope so - despite the large crowds I didn't see any trouble - albeit I left the GED a little after 11PM and things didn't close down until 4AM but there wasn't much on the news this morning.
Tonight the televised Juno Awards take place from GM Place - they have the Abbott and EXPO Blvd entrance all decorated - red carpet etc ready for the the guests tonight.
Will watch some of it on TV but the Canucks are also on tonight in their big big game against Chicago so I guess there will be some channel surfin happening.
More later
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