Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic cauldron - up close Feb 18, 2010

Once I decided what to do today I headed down towards the Olympic cauldron site at the Trade and Convention center - wanted to see what all the fuss was about - well they have changed the fencing a little - effectively cutting a whole in it about eye level so you can put a camera in it and get a decent picture - not that great for taking an image with someone in it.

They have also opened up the west side of the plaza at the Convention center - all you had to do was get in line - took about 35 minutes to get to the top - the scenery was spectacular and the people in the line were friendly and talkative - the couple beside had there 7 month pregnant daughter with them - she had to sit down a lot and by the time she got to the top some of us were wondering if the little gal was going to make an early appearance.

From the top of the stairwell - what a great view.

From near top of stairwell.

Naval helicopter flying by.

What a view while waiting in line.

The cauldron from street level.



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