I know that is a little different title but as the images show if one was to see this for the first time they probably would think that Vancouver has gone completely nuts - well we haven't - it's more of the street art displays that are happening throughout the city.
I had first noticed this one the other day while out for a walk but didn't catch any pictures of it so with a bike ride scheduled for a dry morning I set out to get some images of it - but wait - after riding the short distant to the display by the Vancouver Aquatic Center I can't find my camera which I was sure that I had put into my jacket pocket so I retraced my steps back to the apartment and there it was exactly where I usually leave it when I am intending to shoot some photos.
So I head back down to the display but I can't get the camera to work - I had purposely changed the batteries that morning to ensure that I would be okay - can only assume that the ones I selected I must have forgotten to recharge but when all else fails pull out the trusty Blackberry and grabbed these images.

I then continued my ride through Stanley Park - exploring some of the inner trails and then returning home before a light rain started failing.
Then it was off to lunch and a gym workout but I also stopped at the cell shop in Pacific Center to see why my phone has no ring tone - I thought in the process of upgrading the data program that I might have done something stupid but the cell guys says the problem was at there end.
Struck out in trying to get a pair of the Olympic red gloves that are a runaway best seller - they are harder to get than a Toronto Maple Leafs win.
I then phoned my travel agent to book my next cruise - a 15 day repo from Boston to New Orleans in Oct 2010.
Finally I finished up a busy day with coffee with Jim and then a meeting with some of the other cyclists on the Vancouver Marathon escort team.
As I am typing this on Wednesday morning it is once again teaming down with rain - will it ever end.
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