Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red skies at morn sailor's give warning Oct 25, 2009

This morning as I awoke from a good night's sleep I noticed a brilliant red eastern sky from my condo so I grabbed the camera a took a few images of the sun rising - The title reflects an old sailor's tale about what will happen if you get an red sky in the morn - it means that storm is brewing so take heed vs a red sky at night which is a sailor's delight and usually means good sailing weather.

It is expected to start raining hard in the next hour or two so the rhyme should come true in this case.

Survived the hockey and football games from last night - the Lions shouldn't have lost -
Printers should either have eaten the ball or thrown it our of bounds - it was only a first down play and you are within field goal range in overtime. Could be a costly miscue IE - no home playoff game.

As for the Canucks - it was about time that Luongo stopped the other team when your team is being outplayed - a good victory over the Leafs who may win a game or two this season. Brian Burke must be having a few more sleepless nights but who cares about Toronto and their sport teams.



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