One of the items on my outdoor to-do list before the weather turns nasty for the winter was to check out the bike ride across the new Canada Line bridge from the south foot of
Cambie St over the North Arm of the Fraser to Richmond - so I packed the bike into the truck and drove to my starting point - it is a short ramp ride up to the main catwalk like double track across the bridge.

You get some great views of both looking towards Richmond and the Airport as well as back to Vancouver - on this day you could see the Lions in the far north distance sporting their first significant snowfall of the season.

After crossing the Bridge I head for the River Rock Casino boardwalk and views from there of the Marina and River. From there it's over the middle arm bridge and a ride through
Burkeville and onto to the old or South Airport and some more views of the Fraser River.

Oh look it me - I return across the Middle Arm on the #2 Rd bridge - ride pass the Olympic Speed Skating Oval and it's art deco display and then back across the bridge to my truck.
In all about an 19 km ride under sunny but pleasant ride and with the usual winds that always seem to occur here.

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