Monday, August 17, 2009

SKYLINE HIKERS WHITEMAN PASS CAMP AUG 3 - 7, 2009 - Enjoying happy hour and the nightly donut sing song

There are two main activities that take place under the heading of socializing in camp - the nightly sing song in the donut - seen below in the first picture and the afternoon happy hours.

Do to the weather etc the happy hours didn't get underway in earnest until Thursday - they are a great ice-breaker and we get to share lots of stories and find out more about our fellow hikers.
You are also expected to bring along some snacks to share - boy you should have seen the amount of gorp in camp - it filled about three large plastic storage buckets - done that way to try and keep the small critters out of the tents etc.

Up next - the trip out and final thoughts

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