The wind up BBQ for the Bike escort team was once again held at Gord and Linda's place in South Burnaby and about a dozen of us made the trek out to there place - some of us including me biked out - it was a 19KM ride uphill most of the way to the Metrotown area from downtown and then a short downhill spin to the party.
Along the way I stopped at Windsor Castle to catch my breathe. This is actually a small rest spot at the junction of the Windsor and Midtown/Ridgeway bike routes - the rock formation looks like the top of a castle hence the name Windsor Castle - I was able to bike almost the entire route along dedicated bike corridors and it took me just over 100 minutes to do the trip.
This is our cooking vessel for the day.
Promoting the liquid amber product that we are drinking.
Sophie and Gregg cook while Gord - our co-host looks on.
Peter, Quinton, John and Ray relax in the sun enjoying their beer and supper.
We were to bring either salads or desserts - here are some of the latter.
His lord worship the knight of all good things biking and general LBS guru Brian giving his final speech for this year as he thanks us once again for commitment and welcomes us to join him again next year. About 8PM and a couple of beers later I get back on the bike and start the mostly downhill ride back home taking the BC Parkway and Central Valley Greenway route.
It was a 35KM out and back ride and an enjoyable evening with some great people.
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