Monday, March 2, 2009

Start of the trail to Crystal Falls is at the top of Shaughnessy Street in Coquitlam - you follow the Coquitlam River trail for about 40 minutes until you come to the Falls - in dry weather and lower water levels you can cross the unbridged creek and continue to either the watershed fence another mile or so or take a right turn and climb up to the trails on Burke Mt. This is a popular mountain biking area - I have biked into the Falls on a couple of occasions but this is the first time that I walked in to the Falls.

The trail is next to the river at the start - it has one minor climb - otherwise it is flat - it also passes an old homestead which is all but gone save for an old car wreck.

In the summer time or when the River flow is tame and water levels low you can cross the River and come out at Coquitlam River Park or vica versa - haven't attempted that yet but have seen people do it.
I know it is scary but that is me at the Falls - the Creek flows down off Burke Ridge which you can access from further along the River trail

My second stop of the day was at Grant Narrows Regional Park at Pitt Lake - more of a look see than anything special in the way of walking or hiking or biking - the wind was picking up in advance of today's weather which make it somewhat unpleasant to be out in the open.

Well that's me again - this time looking west towards Burke Ridge and Pitt Lake.

Well another weekend has come and gone and the Canucks continue to win and the days are getting longer - in fact doesn't Daytime Savings start next weekend.

Yesterday with no rain and warmer temps I went for a drive out the Tri- Cities - Pitt Meadows area.

The Photo essay above is of my two stops yesterday.

We had a heavy rain and wind storm overnight which is just now starting to abate - it has screwed up some of the ferry sailings - actually the sun is coming out as I type this post.

Back in the dentist chair tomorrow for three more small fillings - that will be it for dental work for the next while.

Noticed that my cheque for my Skyline Hikers trip has been cashed so I quess that means that I will be going once again to Camp #4 -there are lots of regulars on this camp so it should be a fun week.

Our work party for FOYPS ended up being a great success - three last minute additions brought the number up close to the maximum of 14. Awaiting there report of what projects that they worked on.

Until next time



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Monday May 4th 2009 Coquitlam city council will be voting whether to allow the Riverwalk Development on the Upper Coquitlam River to pass to the next stage. This development will see 1100 homes to be built on this beautiful important wetland habitat that is not only an important fish spawning area, and a migration corridor for black bears, but is also enjoyed by thousands of nature lovers and mountain bikers from all over the Lower Mainland. Most people believe this large tract of land enjoyed by countless people for decades is a park, but unfortunately it's not so. The City of Coquitlam had the opportunity to turn it into one years ago and declined, instead deciding one day they might make a fortune selling the land to developers. If anyone who reads this has been to this amazing area and agrees its worth protecting, please speak up to the city councillors and Mayor of Coquitlam. Email them at,,,,,,,,
Time is running out!