It looks like it will stay very cold through the weekend and it will be Xmas before we might see a thaw or a slight warming of the temps.
Attended a small mix and mingle with some of the other members of my Health Spa last night - a couple of glasses of beer and some appys.
Also spent a couple of hours on Wednesday with Tom and the grandchildren at Pacific Center Mall.
Gonna go for a short walk along the water and then a bite to eat and a few more items for the dinner party on Sunday. Rosie just phoned to cancel - her street is a sheet of ice and even the taxis don't want to drive on it and with her being 80 she is worried about falling - she even had trouble walking across the street to church so I can't blame her for not being able to attend.
Good to see that the Canucks have won the Sundin sweepstakes - he should be able to help the team out and advance further into the playoffs.
Finally got around to booking some excursions for my Feb 09 cruise - can't wait to get some warmer weather.
More later
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