Thursday, September 11, 2008

It has been a good day so far - after doing my usual morning Internet surfing etc I got out on the bike - I wasn't sure exactly where I was headed except that it would be over the Burrard Bridge and after crossing the bridge I headed for Kits Point and then along Point Grey road to Bayswater which is a newer addition to the City's network of bike routes on quieter residential streets - after 16th I continued to head southerly and finally up onto the Cypress Bike route - but I was feeling fine and adventurous so I climbed gradually up into Shaunnessy and then followed Angus across Granville and then over across Oak and Cambie to the Ontario bike path which I took downhill all the way to Science World where I had lunch at McDonald's - then False Creek north home - it was a ride of 24.9 km and I don't seem to have any stiffness in my neck or shoulder - some in the lower back but that seems to be normal - did I mention that the weather is gorgeous - sunny with a cooling breeze near the water.

I also got a call from the Y about meeting up with my immigrant as part of their Y connections program - he is Chinese - studying English and hopes to get a job as a mechanical Engineer which is what he is trained for.

Going for a short walk along Davie and then home for supper.



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